Minister for Indigenous Health
22nd August 2011
The Australian Government is funding new grants for twenty-five men’s sheds across the country to purchase tools, conduct building and maintenance and employ shed co-ordinators.
The Minister for Indigenous Health, Warren Snowdon, who has responsibility for male health, made the announcement at the 4th National Men’s Shed Conference in Brisbane.
“Men’s sheds have long been recognised as meeting places where men can find social support and camaraderie. They can play a significant role in improving men’s heath and wellbeing by connecting them with each other and their communities in a pressure-free environment.
“Men often form friendships as they work together, doing things that are traditionally done in sheds, like building furniture, fixing machinery and working on small projects to help other local community groups.
“With Australian men still dying four to five years younger than women, we know we have to support grass roots initiatives like men’s sheds to get males of all ages engaged in ways to improve their health and wellbeing,” he said.
Mr Snowdon said Round Two of the Australian Government Shed Development Program announced today is funding sites in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania up to $10,000 each.
Some of the successful recipients include Shed West in Queensland, which will use funding, and skilled shed members, to make repairs to homes damaged from the Queensland floods.
Also, Wagalgau Garkaziw Zageth Inc, located on Moa Island in the Torres Strait will receive funding to purchase blocks, trusses, iron and cement to build an extension on the shed for planned social gatherings to engage males in the area.
A number of the sheds will be funded to employ a shed co-ordinator to assist with tasks such as overseeing and supporting projects to engage males in the shed environment or to facilitate discussions with relevant and interested groups .
Mr Snowdon said there was considerable support expressed for these funded Men’s Sheds during consultations for the National Male Health Policy.
“Men’s sheds’ demonstrated success in reaching marginalised and isolated males and contributing to improvements in male health and wellbeing,” he said.
The National Male Health Policy included $3 million to the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) to support Men’s Sheds across Australia, including $750,000 for the Australian Government Shed Development Program.
All Men’s Sheds throughout Australia are eligible to apply for up to $10,000 in Government assistance.
Round Three of funding will open in late August 2011 and interested Sheds should monitor the Men’s Shed website for updates.
Please see the attached table for a list of the successful Round Two Men’s Sheds across Australia.
Media contact:
Minister Snowdon: Marcus Butler 0417 917 796 or 02 6277 7820
Australian Government Shed Development Program
Round 2: successful grant recipients by State and Territoryte Successful Shed Category Grant amount Funding to be used to assist with
New South Wales
NSW Bingara Men's Shed Building Maintenance or Development 6,000 Purchasing a mobile welding bench with shield and updating of electrical wires and plumbing to expand projects available in the shed
NSW Canterbury Men's Shed (Campsie) Shed Co-ordinator 8,640 Engaging a shed co-ordinator to oversee and support a project to engage males to the shed environment with a particular focus on male refugees
NSW Casino Community Men's Shed Inc Building Maintenance or Development 1,834 Improving lighting in building to ensure a safe workspace, provide storage space for tools and general purchase of tools for woodworking area to make projects for resale
NSW Coolah Men's Shed Inc Building Maintenance or Development 6,000 Purchasing a Torque Work Centre to produce wooden toys and to expand the range of woodwork projects available in the shed
NSW Gunibul Men's Shed (Coonamble) Shed Co-ordinator 10,000 Engaging a shed co-ordinator to source suitable site for a shed for Aboriginal males in the area, assist with facilitating discussions with relevant/interested groups and organise a variety of activities/referral pathways for shedders
NSW Nambucca Valley Men's Shed (Macksville) Tools 3,636 Purchasing flexible welding screen to give shedders the opportunity to learn welding and steel fabrication in a safe work environment; improving electrical equipment to ensure OHS standards are met
NSW Nambucca Valley Men's Shed (Macksville) Building Maintenance or Development 6,000 Fitting-out bathroom to improve disability access, fitting-out kitchenette/lunchroom to comply with OH&S regulations and health/building specifications to offer shedders a food preparation and eating area; connecting water and electrical mains to shed; installing of phone and internet connections
NSW Narromine Men's Shed Inc Tools 3,474 Purchasing machinery and installation of power points to provide a working environment that will suit shedders of varying abilities; restoration of aircraft for the Narromine Aviation Museum
NSW Nyngan Men's Shed Tools 3,582 Purchasing general equipment to expand shed activities: planer, wood lathe, band saw, saw bench, pedestal drill, dust collector and accessories
NSW Tenterfield Men's Shed Tools 4,000 Purchasing additional metal working tools and equipment to expand the range of shed activities according to the aspirations of shedders
NSW The Men's Shed Moree Inc Building Maintenance or Development 6,000 Refurbishing old poultry shed, and upgrading of plumbing and electrical facilities to ensure OH&S standards are met and power points are accessible
NSW Warren Menshed Tools 4,000 Purchasing a range of metal working tools and equipment for repairing of items such as bicycles, a range of furniture, and for other creative metal activities
NSW Warren Menshed Building Maintenance or Development 6,000 Extending existing building to provide a safe work area for welding and metal working activities
VIC Brimbank Men's Shed (Sunshine) Shed Co-ordinator 10,000 Engaging a shed co-ordinator for various operational activities including community building through networking and advocacy
VIC Darebin Men’s Shed & Budda Men’s Shed (East Reservoir) Tools 3,000 Purchasing camping equipment for shedders to engage in outdoor social activities
VIC Geelong Community Shed Inc (Norlane) Tools 3,005 Purchasing metal working equipment and building a dedicated booth to minimise risk and provide a safe working environment
VIC Pantjan Men's Shed (St. Albans) Tools 800 Purchasing kitchen facilities, fire extinguisher and first aid equipment to improve shed and engage members in a range of cultural and educational activities
VIC Wedderburn Men's Shed Tools 4,000 Purchasing various equipment to expand shed activities and assist men with disabilities: tools and wood lathe with bowl jar, scroll chuck and chisels
QLD Bauple Community Shed Building Maintenance or Development 3,708 Installing additional power points to allow a wider range of power tools to be used in the shed and improve lighting to create a safer work place, and installing a cook stove in the recreation area
QLD Shed West (Kenmore Hills) Flood Assistance 4,740 Engaging services of a suitably qualified person to provide formal instruction and training to shed members in the safe and correct operation of a range of large-scale woodworking machinery including bandsaws, table saws, surface planers, thicknessers, woodturning lathes and sanding equipment
QLD The Bay Island Men's Shed (Macleay Island) Tools 4,000 Equipping shed with a range of tools and safety equipment to suit shedders of varying abilities
QLD The Inglewood Mates Shed Building Maintenance or Development 5,440 Painting the shed and installing suitable windows in the building, setting up a meeting room/space for regular activities, improving kitchen facilities and setting up a computer area
QLD Wagalgau Garkaziw Zageth Inc (Torres Strait)
Tools 3,636 Purchasing blocks, trusses, iron and cement to build an extension on the shed for various planned social gatherings
QLD Wagalgau Garkaziw Zageth Inc (Torres Strait)
Building Maintenance or Development 5,455 Building and fitting out of an extension on the shed for various planned social gatherings
TAS Central Highlands Community Men's Shed (Hamilton)
Shed Co-ordinator 6000 Engaging a shed co-ordinator to link with local council on a regular basis, source shed materials, plan furniture building activities and relay new skills/knowledge to shedders