Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alison Homestead Men's Shed projects

The old Yarramalong School
nearing completion 
 in it’s New location.
The Alison Homestead provides an ideal location for a Men’s Shed, with plenty of activities to challenge everyone to either learn a new skill, or pass on an existing skill to others.

We are proud of the
produce from
our community garden

Our recent projects have included:

  1. The rebuilding of the Yarramalong School onto a slab on the Western side of our property. Most of our volunteers were involved in some form on this project which continued for approximately 12 months.
  2. The Community garden.
  3. Volunteer Greg
    Cutting down a stump
  4. Alison Homestead being a large property, there are always tree trimming/felling being performed, and the associated turning into firewood. Additional projects such as the laying of the Pioneer walk way will also commence shortly.
Volunteer Wayne shaving
 a Log for use in
 a future project

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