Friday, March 25, 2011

NSW Men’s Shed Association - Special General Meeting

NSW Mens Shed Association
The current interim committee was asked to develop an election process based on regional representation instead of a Statewide election.  A procedure based on dividing the State into nine zones has been set up and information already sent to members.  However, before an election can be held based on regional zones, the Association’s Constitution has to be changed to allow for this type of election.

The changes to the constitution are attached as a “Schedule of Changes” and the committee is proposing that these changes be approved and lodged with the Dept of Fair Trading.  A copy of the modified constitution can be viewed using the following link:-
A copy can be sent by post upon request.

The Special General Meeting will be held at the Maitland Town Hall, High Street, Maitland, NSW 2320  on 14th April 2011 at 4 pm.  The following proposal will be put to the meeting for approval.

“It is proposed that the following “Schedule of Changes” be made to the current constitution to permit elections to be held on a regional basis.”

Voting on this proposal can be carried out:-
·  in person by the AMSA Registered Shed Contact member

·  by proxy where the AMSA Registered Shed Contact member has signed the attached Proxy form.

·  by post where the AMSA Registered Shed Contact member has signed the attached Voting form and posted it to the Secretary, NSWMSA, PO Box 68, Windale, NSW 2306 to arrive before 13 April 2011

·  by email where the AMSA Registered Shed Contact member has signed the attached Voting form, scanned it and e-mailed the form to  to arrive before 13th April 2011.

As this is a special resolution for it to be accepted it has to be passed by a majority of three quarters of the members voting. 

It should be noted that the constitution states:- "No business other than that specified in the notice convening the General Meeting is to be transacted at the meeting."

The committee has worked hard to ensure that the State has a fully elected committee and it is important, therefore, that if your shed wishes to have regional representation then you should lodge your vote and support this change.

Regards  -  Ted Donnelly (Interim Secretary NSWMSA)

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